Are there any recommended house rules or modifications that players often use with 7 Wonders?

"7 Wonders" is a highly regarded board game with well-defined rules, but like many games, players often experiment with house rules or modifications to tailor the gameplay to their preferences or add variety to their sessions. While it's important to respect the core rules of the game, here are some recommended house rules and modifications that players have enjoyed:

  1. Custom Wonders: Some players create their own custom wonder boards or modify existing ones to add personal flair to the game. This allows for creativity and customization while maintaining the core game mechanics.
  2. Variant Starting Resources: To introduce variety, players can consider randomizing the starting resources for each player. Instead of the standard three coins and one resource of their choice, players could draw resource cards or roll dice to determine their initial resources.
  3. Randomized Age Card Distribution: Instead of sorting the cards by age and dealing them out in a specific order, players can shuffle the age decks and distribute cards randomly. This adds an element of unpredictability to the game, as players won't know exactly which cards will be available in each age.
  4. Revealing Neighbor's Hands: In the base game, players can only see their immediate neighbors' hands of cards during the card drafting phase. Some groups prefer to play with the rule that all players' hands are revealed, allowing for more strategic decision-making and planning.
  5. Trade Agreements: Players can introduce trade agreements with their neighbors. These agreements can involve resource exchanges or mutually beneficial deals, adding an element of negotiation and cooperation to the game.
  6. Team Play: For larger groups or team-based play, players can form teams and collaborate with their teammates to build a shared civilization. Teams can strategize together and allocate their resources collectively, providing a unique twist on the game's dynamics.
  7. Adjusting Military Conflict Rules: Some groups modify the military conflict rules to make the game more or less aggressive. For example, you can adjust the victory point rewards and penalties for military conflicts to balance the game to your group's preference.
  8. Drafting Variations: Experiment with different card-drafting methods. For example, try a "snake draft" where card passing alternates directions between ages, or use a "two-card draft" where players select two cards at once and pass the remaining cards simultaneously.
  9. Additional Age: Create a fourth age with its own unique set of cards, which can be shuffled and introduced into the game after the third age. This extension adds more variety and complexity to the game.
  10. Simplified Versions: For newer or younger players, you can simplify the game by removing certain card types or using fewer ages. This can make the game more accessible and less overwhelming while still maintaining its core mechanics.
  11. Solo Play: "7 Wonders" is primarily a multiplayer game, but some players have devised solo variants with AI opponents or challenges. These variants can provide a solo gaming experience with the same mechanics.
  12. Score Tracking Apps: Some players use score-tracking apps or websites to automate the scoring process, making it easier to calculate and compare scores at the end of the game.

While these house rules and modifications can enhance your "7 Wonders" experience, it's important to ensure that all players agree on and understand any changes made to the game's rules. It's also advisable to clarify any house rules or modifications before starting the game to avoid confusion or disagreements during gameplay. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance your enjoyment of the game while maintaining the spirit and balance of "7 Wonders."