What are some common mistakes or misconceptions that players make when learning to play 7 Wonders?

Learning to play "7 Wonders" can be a rewarding experience, but like any complex game, it's easy for players, especially newcomers, to make common mistakes or have misconceptions about certain rules and strategies. To help players avoid these pitfalls, here are some common mistakes and misconceptions often encountered when learning "7 Wonders":

  1. Misunderstanding Card Costs: One common mistake is misinterpreting the resource costs of cards. Players may forget that resource costs on cards can be reduced by resources from their own civilization, their neighbors, or through trading at the marketplace.
  2. Misinterpreting Military Conflicts: Some players misinterpret how military conflicts work. It's crucial to understand that military victories are determined by comparing the cumulative military strength to both of your neighbors. Winning against one neighbor and losing against the other can still result in a net gain of military victory points.
  3. Ignoring Science Symbols: New players often underestimate the value of science symbols (compass, tablet, gear). Collecting sets of these symbols can yield significant bonuses at the end of the game, so it's a mistake to ignore them entirely in favor of other strategies.
  4. Overemphasis on Military: While military strength is essential to avoid losing points, overcommitting to military cards can be a mistake. Winning a conflict by a large margin doesn't grant extra points, so investing heavily in military at the expense of other areas can be inefficient.
  5. Misusing Commercial Buildings: Players may overlook the potential of commercial buildings. These buildings generate coins, which can be used to buy resources or contribute to victory points. Neglecting commercial structures can limit your flexibility and slow your progress.
  6. Unplanned Wonders: Building wonders haphazardly without a clear plan can lead to missed opportunities. It's essential to consider the benefits of each wonder stage and plan your wonder's development accordingly.
  7. Overlooking Neighbor Choices: Players sometimes forget to take into account the cards they pass to their neighbors during the drafting phase. Choosing cards that benefit your neighbors too much can inadvertently boost their civilizations, potentially making them more competitive.
  8. Resource Imbalance: Balancing your resource production is crucial. Some players may accumulate excess resources of one type while neglecting others, which can hinder their ability to build certain structures or wonders.
  9. Ignoring Guild Cards: Guild cards in the third age can offer substantial victory points, but players often ignore them. It's important to be aware of these potential point sources and adapt your strategy accordingly in the final age.
  10. Focusing Only on Victory Points: While accumulating victory points is the ultimate goal, players sometimes become overly fixated on immediate point gains and neglect long-term strategies. Balance is key; you should consider both short-term and long-term objectives.
  11. Poor Timing of Resource Purchases: Players may not optimize the timing of resource purchases from the marketplace. Buying resources too early can lead to inefficient use of coins, while waiting too long may limit your construction options.
  12. Not Adjusting to Neighbor Strategies: Players often stick to their initial strategy without considering their neighbors' actions. Adapting to your neighbors' choices, such as avoiding military conflicts against a strong military opponent, is crucial for success.
  13. Inefficient Resource Trading: Players may engage in resource trading without considering whether they could obtain the required resources more efficiently through card selection or other means.

By being aware of these common mistakes and misconceptions, players can improve their understanding of "7 Wonders" and enhance their gameplay. Learning from these errors and refining strategies over time can lead to a more enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience. Additionally, discussing and clarifying rules and strategies with fellow players can help new and experienced players alike avoid these pitfalls.